About Sara

Hello and welcome! I'm Sara, lover of snow angels, laughing fits, and fantasy books. I live in Seattle, Washington, with my husband, Alex. As a native east-coaster who moved to the PNW a few years ago, I feel so lucky to have access to jaw-dropping mountain scenery a couple hours away in nearly every direction.

I took my first self portrait in 2009. In the years since, I have played around in front of and behind the camera, eventually arriving at my preferred style of fairytale-like environmental portraits. My goal with every image is to express the deep emotions that tend to accompany my time in nature: awe, wonder, peace, unbridled joy and appreciation.

My hope is that my photos will speak to you. That in seeing them, you too will feel something awaken inside you. A yearning, perhaps, to feel the wind on your face as you breathe in waves of fresh air, or a curiosity to know more about our vast, beautiful world. Or maybe something entirely different, of your soul's own gentle creation.

I am so grateful that you have found your way here and are part of my journey.
